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World Press Photo 2016

W marcowym numerze Foto-Kuriera przedstawiliśmy część zwycięskich fotografii z World Press Photo 2016. Jako uzupełnienie prezentujemy kolejne zdjęcia z tego konkursu.

Kategoria: Natura, II miejsce, zdjęcia pojedyńcze

© Anuar Patjane Floriuk - Whale Whisperers

© Anuar Patjane Floriuk - Whale Whisperers

Anuar Patjane Floriuk, Mexico, 2015, Whale Whisperers. Divers observe and surround a humpback whale and her newborn calf whilst they swim around Roca Partida in the Revillagigedo Islands, Mexico, 28 January 2015.


Kategoria: General News, III miejsce, zdjęcia pojedyńcze

© Chen Jie - Tianjin Explosion

 © Chen Jie - Tianjin Explosion

Chen Jie, China, 2015, Tianjin Explosion. Aerial view of the destruction after the explosion in Tianjin, China, 15 August 2015.


Kategoria: Spot News, II miejsce, zdjęcia pojedyńcze

© Corentin Fohlen – March Against Terrorism in Paris.jpg

© Corentin Fohlen – March Against Terrorism in Paris.jpg

Corentin Fohlen, France, 2015, March Against Terrorism in Paris. Demonstration against terrorism in Paris, after a series of five attacks occurred across the Île-de-France region, beginning at the headquarters for satirical newspaper Charlie Hebdo. Paris, France, 11 January 2015.


Kategoria: People, III nagroda, zdjęcia pojedyńcze

© Dario Mitidieri - Lost Family Portraits

© Dario Mitidieri - Lost Family Portraits.jpg

Dario Mitidieri, Italy, 2015, Lost Family Portraits. Portrait of a Syrian refugee family in a camp in Bekaa Valley, Lebanon, on 15 December 2015. The empty chair in the photograph represents a family member who has either died in the war or whose whereabouts are unknown.


Kategoria: Sport, III miejsce, zdjęcia pojedyńcze

© Jonas Lindkvist - Neptun Synchro.

© Jonas Lindkvist - Neptun Synchro.

Jonas Lindkvist, Sweden, 2015, Dagens Nyheter, Neptun Synchro. Members of the Neptun Synchro synchronized swimming team perform during a Christmas show in Stockholm, Sweden, on 13 December 2015.


Kategoria:Życie codzienne, I miejsce, zdjęcia pojedyńcze

© Kevin Frayer - China's Coal Addiction

© Kevin Frayer - China's Coal Addiction

Kevin Frayer, Canada, 2015, Getty Images, China's. Coal Addiction
Chinese men pull a tricycle in a neighborhood next to a coal-fired power plant in Shanxi, China, on 26 November 2015. A history of heavy dependence on burning coal for energy has made China the source of nearly a third of the world's total carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions, the
toxic pollutants widely cited by scientists and environmentalists as the primary cause of global warming.

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godzina dodania: 10:29
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